A clue - A famous quote by Hans Christian Andersen.
Sorry I made my message a bit harder to read, the first word is (warning) and the last word is see. Have fun:
fiuwhqoifadskjhbjsdf(Warning)Onlydothiswhenyouhavetriedde-codemymessageonceat leasttwice.foasjfdkdafsnalsdnfanslkfnksafsoadfmlasmdfGotothissite(https://morsecode.world/international/translator.html)andcopythecodeintothefirsttextboxyouseefjaiskdfhkl.
Fun fact:
It was Jet Li's Birthday yesterday (April 26th). Jet Li is a champion martial artist and Chinese film actor. My little sister, dad and I enjoy watching martial art movies that also include Bruce Lee and Ip-man. They are also Chinese martial artists.